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Fruhling Farms

Online Spring Sale April 2025

Hosted by SC Online Sales
Selling Elite Fall Born Show Heifers, Yearling Bulls,
and a select group of Late Spring Calving Cows

Fruhling Farms is located in the heart of corn and soybean country, in a charming town, called Homer, IL. The farm is owned and operated by a husband and wife duo, Travis and Melissa Fruhling daughters Macy and Madelyn. Our business is a foundation of first-rate Purebred Angus cattle and top of the line custom farming. It is our mission to produce sound, thick cattle, with extra bone and muscle, in addition to top of the line customer service. We plan on focusing our energy on helping juniors succeed at any level while building a positive relationship around the industry.

Currently we host two online sales a year. Our early spring born heifer calves, steers, and bred heifers are marketed through our annual fall “Online Production Sale”. This sale date falls on the first Sunday of December and is hosted by Show Circuit Online Sales. More recently, we have added an online spring sale to be held the third Tuesday in March. Sale offerings will include a handful of late spring and fall born heifer calves. This sale is also hosted by Show Circuit Online Sales.
